L/1 is a BSI Committee which provides technical advice to BSI management and to the BSI Electrotechnical Standardization Strategic Advisory Council (ESSAC) on behalf of electrotechnical industries.

It also gives input to the IEC Standardisation Management Board [SMB] and the CENELEC Technical Board [CLC BT] and acts as a co-ordination committee for all BSI electrotechnical committee activity.

The type of topics which are regularly discussed and on which we have input to technical policy include the following which may be of interest to MTA:

Digital Engineering

E-labelling across industries

Emerging technologies such as:

  • Quantum technology
  • Bio-digital convergence
  • Metaverse

Input to IEC Advisory Committees on:

  • Environmental Aspects
  • Safety
  • Electricity Transmission and Distribution

Cybersecurity and data protection

Smart Energy Systems

Gender responsive standards

UK Designated standards process

Electrical equipment under extreme climate, environmental and disaster conditions

Governance of AI

In order to fulfil the above responsibilities, the membership of L/1 aims to represent a wide range of stakeholders within the electrotechnical area.

BSI believes that input from MTA would be valuable to L/1 and invites the MTA to nominate a representative to join L/1.

Currently L/1 has representation from:

  • A M D E A – Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances
  • B E A M A Limited
  • British Cables Association
  • BSI Director of Standards
  • Committee Manager
  • Consumer and Public Interest Network
  • DBT – Department for Business and Trade
  • E N A – Energy Networks Association
  • Electrical Contractors Association
  • G A M B I C A Association Limited
  • Huawei Technologies
  • I E T – Institution of Engineering and Technology
  • Intertek Group PLC
  • Lighting Industry Association
  • National Physical Laboratory

The following link to the BSI Standards Development Portal contains information on the full scope and membership of L/1: https://standardsdevelopment.bsigroup.com/committees/50001580

Hybrid meetings of L/1 are held three times a year, timed specifically to brief the UK delegation to the IEC SMB and the UK member of the CENELEC Technical Board.

Should any member be interested in joining L/1 as a representative of the MTA please would they contact Sami Ortiz [email protected]

Invitation for MTA to have representation on BSI Committee L/1: Electrotechnical Technical Policy Committee.

L/1 is a BSI Committee which provides technical advice to BSI management and to the BSI Electrotechnical Standardization Strategic Advisory Council (ESSAC) on behalf of electrotechnical industries.

It also gives input to the IEC Standardisation Management Board [SMB] and the CENELEC Technical Board [CLC BT] and acts as a co-ordination committee for all BSI electrotechnical committee activity.

The type of topics which are regularly discussed and on which we have input to technical policy include the following which may be of interest to MTA:

Digital Engineering

E-labelling across industries

Emerging technologies such as:

  • Quantum technology
  • Bio-digital convergence
  • Metaverse

Input to IEC Advisory Committees on:

  • Environmental Aspects
  • Safety
  • Electricity Transmission and Distribution

Cybersecurity and data protection

Smart Energy Systems

Gender responsive standards

UK Designated standards process

Electrical equipment under extreme climate, environmental and disaster conditions

Governance of AI

In order to fulfil the above responsibilities, the membership of L/1 aims to represent a wide range of stakeholders within the electrotechnical area.

BSI believes that input from MTA would be valuable to L/1 and invites the MTA to nominate a representative to join L/1.

Currently L/1 has representation from:

  • A M D E A – Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances
  • B E A M A Limited
  • British Cables Association
  • BSI Director of Standards
  • Committee Manager
  • Consumer and Public Interest Network
  • DBT – Department for Business and Trade
  • E N A – Energy Networks Association
  • Electrical Contractors Association
  • G A M B I C A Association Limited
  • Huawei Technologies
  • I E T – Institution of Engineering and Technology
  • Intertek Group PLC
  • Lighting Industry Association
  • National Physical Laboratory

The following link to the BSI Standards Development Portal contains information on the full scope and membership of L/1: https://standardsdevelopment.bsigroup.com/committees/50001580

Hybrid meetings of L/1 are held three times a year, timed specifically to brief the UK delegation to the IEC SMB and the UK member of the CENELEC Technical Board.

Should any member be interested in joining L/1 as a representative of the MTA please would they contact Sami Ortiz [email protected]

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