The government has given details of its energy price support package for businesses, charities and public sector organisations.

An important point in the new Energy Bill Relief Scheme is that it will apply to fixed contracts agreed on or after 1 April 2022, as well as to deemed, variable and flexible tariffs and contracts.

The scheme will apply to energy usage from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023.  The government has already announced that BEIS secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg will review how support for firms will work after that six-month period.

The energy market is complex and the impact on companies varies greatly, as has been shown in several surveys of by EAMA members.  There are huge variations in the level of increase in bills faced by companies and in their ability to pass on costs to customers.  It will be especially important to support firms facing large increases that compete in international markets, EAMA maintains.

We welcome feedback from members on the energy crisis, both on the announcement today and future developments.  These will be anonymised and help to inform government policy.  This should be sent directly to the EAMA Secretary, Jack Semple ( but please copy any feedback to Geoff Noon at MTA ( so we can keep track of our members responses.  The report of our August Business Survey includes the feedback to the questions we posed about MTA members position on energy contracts, although this may have been overtaken in some respects by this announcement).


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