The CBI has asked the MTA for support to gain insights into the apprenticeship levy. If you are an Apprenticeship Levy paying company, could you take some time to answer the following questions. Your feedback will be used by the CBI to produce a report to lobby the government.

  1. How is the apprenticeship levy affecting your current training provision?
  • For example, are you reporting underspend? If so, how much?
  • Are you having to change your training provision to use your levy pot – if so, how? E.g., are you prolonging training to meet the 12-months-and-a-day gateway requirement?  Are you only upskilling a particular area of your workforce and/or through a particular skills programme? How has this impacted the business?
  1. If you the apprenticeship levy was reformed to cover a broader range of accredited and modular training, what types of training would you invest in?
  • Any examples of modular and accredited training would be particularly useful (e.g., ILM courses, CIPD training, industry qualifications)
  1. How would you anticipate the ability to invest in this broader form of modular and accredited training to impact your business?
  • For example, would it drive productivity? If so, how?
  • Would it help you tackle your skills gaps? If so, which ones?
  • How many people / what groups of workers do you think you would be able to upskill under a reformed levy? E.g., entry-level, senior leadership?
  • Would it improve your Employer Value Proposition (EVP)? Has your workforce demonstrated interested in access to more modular accredited training provision? Again, any details would be particularly useful.

Please send your responses to Danny Reed – Education & Skills Manager at

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