The latest edition of the CBI Industrial Trends Survey (ITS) reports a fall in manufacturing output in the latest three months.  However, total order books improved relative to last month, although this came entirely from domestic sources as export business was flat;  both total and export order books are well below their long-run average.

The November* edition of the CBI Industrial Trends Survey (ITS) shows manufacturing output over the past 3 months falling at a faster pace than in October* (although slower than in September*), with a decrease in 14 of the 17 sub-sectors in the ITS analysis.  This reduction was led by the chemicals, mechanical engineering (machinery) and metal products groups.

Output volumes over the three months to February* were at their most positive since the August* survey and slightly above the long-run average value.  Although mechanical engineering (machinery) and metal products also have a negative outlook, there are positive indications from the automotive and aerospace industries.

Total order books were reported as “below normal”, but to a lesser extent than in the previous survey and at the least extent since June*, although still below the long-run average.  Export order books were also “below normal” and to the same extent as in the October* survey.

Stocks of finished goods were seen as “more than adequate” in November*, with the highest balance since August 2020*.

*  Note that although this survey is dated November, the data collection took place between 25th October and 13th November, so the results really cover the 3-month periods from August to October (past) and November to January 2025 (future).  A similar principle applies to the other months mentioned in this report.

You can get the Press Release of the CBI ITS from their website at (21 November) or request it from MTA (we can also provide a summary of the results).

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