The latest results from the CBI Industrial Trends Survey (ITS) saw a fall in output over the past three months but a less weak picture for total order books despite a slight weakening of export business. Expectations for selling price inflation accelerated after a 3½ year low in July and stock adequacy for finished goods also rose slightly.

The latest edition of the CBI Industrial Trends Survey (ITS) – dated August* – showed the first significant decline in manufacturing output volumes since March, having been broadly flat in July. Output volumes fell in 10 of the 17 sub-sectors covered by the ITS in the 3 months to August*, with the overall decline led by the furniture & upholstery, glass & ceramics and electrical goods industries.

While expectations for output volumes over the coming three months remain positive, they are at their weakest since the May* survey and just on the long-run average value.

Total order books are, on balance, still “below normal”, but this was less so than in the previous survey; however, this measure is still below its long-run average. In contrast, export order books weakened compared to the July* survey and are also now below their long-run average.

Stocks of finished goods were seen as “more than adequate” in August* and with the balance increasing to +15, this is back above the long-run average and at the highest level since January*.

  • Note that although this survey is dated August, the data collection took place between 26th July and 13th August so the results really cover the 3-month periods from May to July (past) and August to October (future). A similar principle applies to the other months mentioned in this report.

You can get the Press Release of the CBI ITS from their website at (22 August) or request it from MTA (we can also provide a summary of the results).

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