Please be advised that a New Work Item Proposal has been loaded to the BSI Standards Development Portal for comment. We hope this will assist in increasing awareness of the Standards Development Portfolio.
Any comments received will be submitted to AMT/008 Additive manufacturing, for consideration when deciding the UK response to ISO.
Proposal: ISO/TC 261 N 1144 , ISO/ASTM PWI 52929 Additive manufacturing of metals — Powder bed fusion — Presentation of material properties in material data sheets.
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Comment period end date: 14/05/2022
This document specifies basic content and relevant parameters to be reported in material data sheets. Individual additions and extensions are permissible. This document is intended for manufacturers of PBF-LB/M or PBF-EB/M equipment, powder suppliers, service providers and users of the additively manufactured components.
Equipment manufacturers and service providers publish material properties for additively manufactured components or specimens produced by pow-der bed fusion of metals using laser or electron beams. Such publications are not comparable, due to missing specifications on how associated measurements were conducted. For example, the number of specimens tested, the number of build jobs used, the specimen´s geometry and variations due to orientation are individually determined and usually not published.
This document creates the prerequisites for the derivation and reporting of material properties of an AM machine uniform and transparent, in conjunction with its associated process chain.
For this purpose, the boundary conditions of specimen production, sample size used and the number of build jobs to derive the indicated properties, shall be specified. Material data sheets prepared in accordance with this document will provide a suitable basis for assessment and judgement on the performance of the tested equipment and material, subject to the corresponding process boundary conditions.
Proposal: ISO/NP 17649 Model-Based Standards Authoring MBSA.
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Comment period end date: 03/06/2022
Develop an ISO/IEC IS or directive for Model-Based Standards (MBS) Authoring (MBSA), which specifies how to create a new IS or evolve an exiting IS, such that rather than being based on free text, it shall be based on an ISO 19450 OPM model. The new IS will itself be prepared based on the specification it contains, thus it will be the first MBSA IS and will serve both as a specification and an example of how to create the new generation of model-based ISO ISs.
The current way of authoring ISO/IEC ISs is writing the specification in free natural language text. As research and experience have shown, this approach is prone to inconsistencies, discrepancies, omissions, and contradictions that are not amenable to being verifiable, as it cannot be formally checked. Basing the new generation of ISs on models will enable their formal checking via the model, so the likelihood of revealing such problems shall be significantly higher. Using the model inconsistencies, discrepancies, omissions, and contradictions can be prevented in the first place or spotted both statically, during build time, while those that escape detection can be found dynamically, by a simulated execution of the model.
The proposed IS will enable (1) authors of new MBA ISs and those revising existing ones to follow this MBSA IS, ensuring that the new or revised MBS is devoid of inconsistencies, discrepancies, omissions, and contradictions, and (2) end-users of the MBS to be confident that the MBS they adhere to is consistent and complete.
Proposal: ISO 10791-6;2014/NP Amd 2 Test conditions for machining centres — Part 6: Accuracy of speeds and interpolations — Amendment 2: 8-shaped interpolation motion (Annex A/B/CK5) and S-shaped interpolation motion (Annex E).
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Comment period end date: 07/07/2022
The proposal proposes two new kinematic tests for ISO 10791-6 (Test conditions for machining centres — Part 6:Accuracy of speeds and interpolations) for machining centres having three linear axes (X, Y and Z) and additionally two rotary axes (A, B or C). The proposed kinematic tests deal only with the verification of interpolation accuracy of the machine and does not apply to the testing of the machine operation, e.g. vibrations, abnormal noises, which should generally be checked separately
The purpose of the proposal is to check the interpolation accuracy of machining centre under complex five-axis kinematic movement. While the tests in the existing standard are too simple.
If you have any comment or need more information, please contact Sami Ortiz at