Standard 1

Please be advised that a New Work Item Proposal has been loaded to the BSI Standards Development Portal for comment. We hope this will assist in increasing awareness of the Standards Development Portfolio.
Any comments received will be submitted to AMT/004 Industrial data and manufacturing interfaces, for consideration when deciding the UK response to the associated Standards Development Organisation.

Proposal: ISO/NP 18008 Supply chain interoperability and integration — Vocabulary.

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Comment period end date: 05/08/2022


This standard establishes a referenceable terminology for supply chain interoperability and integration standards.

The following are within the scope of this standard:

• terms, definitions, and abbreviations related to supply chain interoperability and integration.

The following is outside the scope of this standard:

• the formatting of supply chain operating procedure descriptions

• the formatting of supply chain asset descriptions.


To provide consistent referenceable terminology to be used in supply chain interoperability and integration standards and technical reports.

If you have any comment or need more information, please contact Sami Ortiz at

Standard 2

Please be advised that a New Work Item Proposal has been loaded to the BSI Standards Development Portal for comment. We hope this will assist in increasing awareness of the Standards Development Portfolio.
Any comments received will be submitted to AMT/004 Industrial data and manufacturing interfaces, for consideration when deciding the UK response to the associated Standards Development Organisation.

Proposal: ISO/NP 18136 – Framework for Nuclear Digital Ecosystem (NDE).

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Comment period end date: 15/07/2022


The nuclear digital ecosystem is a cyber community of unspecified organizations through various endto-end value chains within the nuclear power industry. The purpose of the “framework for nuclear digital ecosystem (NDE)” is to have a strong, simple, and shared conceptual framework in order to boost the practical implementation of standardized information integration and exchange within the NDE. In addition, this framework also serves as a solid systematic basis for a series of additional future standards for management methods and technical guidelines for information integration and exchange, limited explicitly in the nuclear industry. The future standards will materialize in-depth practical specifications, based on this framework, to capacitate various business transactions, which will cover the entire nuclear facility life cycle of planning, engineering, procurement, construction, start-up, operation, and decommissioning.

The proposed framework strongly focuses on the nuclear industry-specifics with “business requirements” as well as information specifications to facilitate practical benefits from implementing the new and existing ISO standards. It is viable because the industry scope is narrowed down to the nuclear sector, while the management concerns are expanded to cover the whole spectrum of required life cycle and disciplines, including civil, building, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control (I&C), and others. In addition, an emphasis is given to the model-based systems engineering (SE) approach and nuclear safety regulations to meet this distinct requirement of the nuclear industry.

To this end, the NDE framework in this proposal defines a shared conceptual framework to promote data integration and exchange across the nuclear ecosystem in a structured and automated manner. Furthermore, it enables to specify the nuclear industry’s distinct requirements and provides a shared starting point to implement new and existing standards collectively. This approach facilitates specifying various practical transactions by selectively applying numerous existing ones, including ISO standards, industry standards, and company standards, under the rules and protocols defined by NDE standards.

The following are within the scope of this standard:

a) Definition of the conceptual structure of the nuclear ecosystem with components and relationships in terms of facility type, life cycle, and management method. All components will be defined as standard properties with unique identifiers for actual data integration and exchange practice.

b) A list of constituents for each component that comprehends all relevant issues in a simplified representation for shared understanding. All constituents will be defined as standard properties with unique identifiers to define NDE specifics (for example, breakdown structure of reactors)

c) Definition of the industry disciplines involved within NDE, encompassing civil, building, electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and control (I&C), ICT, automation, and others. This standard definition will direct the use of relevant existing standards.

d) Guidance and examples of the collective use of this standard and relevant existing standards to specify information requirements within the nuclear ecosystem for different functional purposes.

The following are outside the scope of this standard

a) Activity and process models for detail sub-functions (for example, sub-functions of configuration management or requirement management). These definitions and specifications will be developed in future standards based on this framework after evaluating the importance and viability evaluation of entire candidates


At the 2019 Marina del Rey meeting, Resolution S established an ad hoc group to provide a Technical Report on the potential for an NWI for a Nuclear Digital Ecosystem (NDE). The technical report (TR) of the ad hoc group documented the state of standardization of information management of nuclear installations over their life cycle with national surveys. The TR also identified the issues and needs to develop new standards, specifically for the nuclear industry. Notably, industrial enterprises from several countries have highlighted the need to define common denominators for information management of nuclear installations.

In order to accomplish the vision described in the TR, a structured strategic roadmap is formulated. Future work items to develop new NDE standards are grouped into three major categories: I) a strong, simple, and shared conceptual framework, II) methodologies of application, and III) the technological guidelines as depicted in Annex A.

The “framework for nuclear digital ecosystem (NDE framework)” has been proposed as the first new work item (NWI) to comprehend all relevant concepts and issues that facilitate a common understanding of the nuclear digital ecosystem.

The framework will list the essential information requirements of the nuclear industry and address how these can be resolved. Based on the NDE framework proposed herein, a set of management methods, technical methods, and viability assessment tools in terms of the value chain can be further specified in the second category.

Priority in identifying these methodologies and areas for standard application is given to the most influencing business areas to boost industry implementation.

Finally, in the third category, practical guidelines for implementing the methodologies can be published in the future. The series of standards and guidelines can promote the everyday routine implementation of NDE standards and other existing standards in a collective and harmonized manner.

It will include easy-to-follow descriptions for information managers as well as various practitioners, including owner-operator and EPC firms. The standard can be used for one nuclear facility, but it pursues industry-wide collaboration for many-to-many supply chains of global nuclear facilities. It can also serve as a critical source to implement standardized digital twin.

In summary, it is essential to have a strong, simple, and shared framework in order to:

– develop and share a mutual understanding of the business objectives

– define common terms and definitions with standard identifiers

– identify the worldwide common denominators to work with (to define second-level standards)

The proposed framework aims to support:

– comprehensive features to encompass the life cycle, methods, and all related disciplines of a facility (top-down approach)

– information integration and exchange standards based on unique managerial requirements of NDE

– Core standard identifiers for frequently and commonly used components in NDE

Standard 3

Please be advised that a New Work Item Proposal has been loaded to the BSI Standards Development Portal for comment. We hope this will assist in increasing awareness of the Standards Development Portfolio.
Any comments received will be submitted to AMT/004 Industrial data and manufacturing interfaces, for consideration when deciding the UK response to the associated Standards Development Organisation.

Proposal: ISO/NP 16400-4 Automation systems and integration — Equipment behaviour catalogues for interoperability of manufacturing resource models used to plan and analyse production line performance in conjunction with production line operation — Part 4: Part 4: Application method.

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Comment period end date: 12/08/2022


This document gives application method of an equipment behaviour catalogue (EBC) through its use cases in smart manufacturing.


ISO 16400 series is being developed for providing interoperable equipment model which is called Equipment Behaviour Catalogue (EBC). An EBC contains description for equipment properties and behaviours related to operation condition such as state transition and operation results which are produced as a result of machine activities. Traditionally, simulation systems are used to forecast productivity, manufacturability, environmental performance, and other related effects. For the simulation, a virtual production system in the virtual factory must be constructed. The virtual production system has been constructed by connecting virtual equipment which has been usually implemented as software such as a software agent. This virtual equipment can be constructed based on an EBC. In this part of 16400 series, it aims to further expand EBC application by defining how to use EBC through EBC use cases in the field of smart manufacturing. This will contribute to the construction of infrastructure of a new manufacturing system based on the concept of the cyber-physical system (CPS).


An equipment vendor such as a machine tool maker and manufacturing device provider develops an EBC of his machine using a corresponding standardized template, or by following standardized methods and rules. The equipment vendor registers the EBC in a common repository or in their own open repository. As a result, the equipment vendor now has a means to show his equipment’s performance in a virtual factory. The user of a production simulation system such as a production system designer, operator, or manager will then construct a virtual production system by selecting an adequate EBC from the repository and check the performance and operation method of the equipment in the virtual factory. By doing so, it is possible to lower the cost and increase efficiency of planning, operation and management of manufacturing execution. The equipment manufacturer delivers equipment fulfilling the agreed capabilities of the virtual machine. The user of the equipment can be guaranteed of the equipment capabilities as defined in EBC.

Furthermore, with the addition of this part, it is possible to cooperate with other smart manufacturing related standards in a mutually complementary manner. This can provide a standardized implementation of new concepts such as CPS and digital twins. For example, an EBC could support to derive sub-models in the corresponding asset administration shell (AAS).

If you have any comment or need more information, please contact Sami Ortiz at

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