Please be advised that a New Work Item Proposal has been loaded to the BSI Standards Development Portal for comment. We hope this will assist in increasing awareness of the Standards Development Portfolio.
Any comments received will be submitted to AMT/004 Industrial data and manufacturing interfaces, for consideration when deciding the UK response to the associated Standards Development Organisation.

Proposal: ISO/NP 8000-200 – Data quality – Part 200; Transaction data; Quality of transaction data.

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Comment period end date: 22/07/2022


This document provides an overview of the characteristics of transaction data and the quality of that data.

The following are within the scope of this document:

— the different types of transaction data

– events, certificates, measurements and transactions;

— the nature of transaction data quality;

— changes to transaction data quality over time;

— managing transaction data quality.


This document is an addition to the ISO 8000 series specifically focusing on the nature and quality challenges of transaction data. Transaction data presents a range of different challenges compared to master data, which is addressed by various other parts of the ISO 8000 series of standards (e.g. ISO 8000-110).

ISO/TC 184/SC 4/WG 13 continues to develop the ISO 8000 series and, thus, this standard is expected to be the foundation for various other parts addressing other details of transaction data quality.

If you have any comment or need more information, please contact Sami Ortiz at

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