The government has published a guide to the benefits of Brexit and Jack Semple (Secretary of EAMA, of which MTA is a member) has written a summary.
He notes that the paper draws aggregates much of what the government has done and aspires to do, without any particular reference to what was not possible while still in the EU. It drops the “One in, X out” approach to regulation and makes clear it will be strategic in diverging from the EU “in certain areas” and for the benefit of business – with which is commits to early and close consultation. The paper also sets out an ambition to be at the forefront of developing efficient international trade.
However, curiously absent from the Benefits of Brexit paper is any mention of UKCA marking replacing CE on goods, one of the larger discretionary changes the government has committed to (other than the really big issues such as ending free movement of people). The change to UKCA was decided at an early stage without much consultation with business, without an explanation as to purpose, and is probably the biggest area of new red tape for business that has been generated by this government. The change to UKCA is definitely something we could not have done while in the EU, unlike much else that is in the paper. It may be that there is a feeling in government that UKCA is not widely seen as a benefit; that does not mean it will be abandoned.
A full briefing in the pdf file below and the link to the Government publication is at
We (EAMA, emails to would welcome comment, which as always will be in confidence.