Friday Brief (12/07/2024) W28

Good afternoon and welcome to this week’s Friday Brief! A quick heads up, Our Friday Brief is having a makeover, make sure to look out for our new Friday Brief coming soon!

To begin the newsletter today we would like to draw your attention to two upcoming MTA events! Don’t miss out on our Annual Golf Day. It will take place on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at The Leicestershire Golf Club. Follow the link in the story to book your space. The MTA’s Forecast Seminar is now live on our website and taking bookings! Our Annual Forecast Seminar will be held at Yamazaki Mazak this year. Don’t miss out on finding out important information that will benefit your business. Book your space today through the link below.

BSI have released a new standard that is awaiting your comments. The proposal reads: Information Security — Oblivious Transfer. Any comments received will be submitted to the national committee “IST/33 – Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection” for consideration when deciding the UK response to the associated Standards Development Organisation. Check out the Scope and Purpose below.

In the latest ‘In The Know’ from our Associate Member Croner, they discuss what Labour’s election win means for employers. They have also added a new webinar that you can check out here – . For details from the article please see the story below.

The lead story for our economic news this week is the UK manufacturing output and GDP for May.  The economy turned out to have performed better than expected with month-on-month growth of +0.4% being registered;  at least in part this performance was a bounce from the weather affected lack of growth in a wet April which held back construction and some aspects of the service sector.  Manufacturing also grew in May but it is something of a curate’s egg – read the article below for the details.

The other information this month is the quarterly analysis of the contract manufacturing sector from Qimtek (an EIA member organisation), the May figures for the US market for machine tools and cutting tools and the State of Trade Report and Economic Presentation from the recent CELIMO meeting.  Again, more on all of these in the various articles below.

Finally, we have a couple of surveys running at the moment.  The secure online form for the MTA Business Survey for June can be found at and the EIA Quarterly Survey for the 2nd period of 2024 is also open, in this case at

That concludes the Friday Brief for today! Don’t forget, our weekly newsletter might look a little different next time so make sure not to miss it! We hope you all have a great weekend!


In conjunction with its recent Council Meeting, CELIMO (the European grouping of Associations representing importers/distributors of manufacturing technology) has released its latest State of Trade Report.  This summarises the economic situation and the current trends for the machine tool and cutting tool market;  it covers 15 countries, 11 of which are members of CELIMO.  This […]

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USMTO and CTMR, May 2024:  The US Manufacturing Technology Orders (USMTO) programme tracks orders in the US market, based on the reports from participants.  In the first five months of 2024, machine tool orders are -12.2% lower than in the same period of 2023 (January to May inclusive).  The reports notes that May was the […]

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UK Manufacturing Output, May 2024:  Output data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for the manufacturing sector showed growth of +0.4% compared to April but a reduction of -0.3% when comparing the latest 3 months (March, April and May 2024) with the previous period (December 2023 and January & February 2024);  looking back a […]

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TDI Challenge 2024

We are delighted to announce the most successful TDI Challenge to date! Organised by Manufacturing Technologies Association (MTA)’s Technology & Skills Manager, Sami Ortiz AMIChemE FIMMM, this year’s event has grown larger than ever, featuring over 23 finalists presenting their innovative projects to an esteemed panel of 13 judges. “It is fantastic to see so […]

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MTA Events – Registration is Open!

The MTA’s Annual Golf Day The MTA is pleased to announce the Annual Members’ Golf Day will be on Wednesday 18th September 2024 and will be at The Leicestershire Golf Club (Leicestershire Golf Club Evington Lane, Leicester, LE5 6DJ). Join us at this premium golf club that has a long history in the city and […]

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Croner – In The Know

What Labour’s Election win means for employers Labour’s landslide victory in the General Election has given them a mandate to implement the huge employment law changes that they promised in their manifesto. • Following Labour’s promise to introduce legislation within 100 days of entering government, employers need to prepare for significant changes to employment law. […]

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BSI Standards

Please be advised that a New Work Item Proposal has been loaded to the BSI Standards Development Portal for comment. Any comments received will be submitted to the national committee “IST/33 – Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection” for consideration when deciding the UK response to the associated Standards Development Organisation. Proposal: ISO/IEC NP 25330 […]

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