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In this section we cover the preliminary flash estimate of European GDP for the 2nd quarter of 2024 (which is steady at a modest rate of +0.3% quarter-on-quarter) and the updated figures for business investment (which improved) and profitability (which fell sharply compared to Q4-23) for the 1st quarter of 2024. European GDP, 2nd Quarter […]

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It was a mixed picture for the manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) data produced by S&P Global that was published this week.  Although the global figure slipped into negative territory for the first time since last December and, inevitably, many countries also had a negative trend, the UK was among those which bucked the trend […]

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Purchasing Managers’ Index – Flash Estimate for July 2024

The flash estimates for the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the manufacturing sector point to continued recovery in the UK – which had its strongest reading for 2 years – weakness in Europe and the USA and a mixed picture in Asia. The flash manufacturing PMI for the UK showed a further improvement with the […]

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CBI Industrial Trends Survey – July 2024

The latest results from the CBI Industrial Trends Survey (ITS) showed output volumes flat in the latest 3 months but there was a sharp improvement in the outlook for the next quarter although this has to be tempered by a continuing weakness in orders.  Investment intentions for plant & machinery also moved up a little, […]

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