Who should attend: This course highlights the importance of understanding how fires start and spread, in order to identify fire hazards, prevent fires and maintain escape routes. It details the actions that should be taken on discovering a fire or on hearing a fire alarm and explains further action that can be taken in an emergency. The course is geared towards non-specialists, that is people without a specific fire safety role (e.g., not for fire wardens, marshals or appointed persons) who need to understand their role in preventing fires, maintaining safe exits routes and responding quickly in the event of an alarm. This course is geared towards non-specialists, that is people without a specific fire safety role (e.g., not for fire wardens, marshals or appointed persons) who need to understand their role in preventing fires, maintaining safe exits routes and responding quickly in the event of an alarm.

Course outcomes:

  • Outline the causes of fires and how they spread
  • Recognise the role you can play in the prevention of fires
  • Describe what to do if you discover a fire or hear an alarm in your workplace
  • Identify your responsibilities to others during an evacuation

Location: Online Self Directed

Date: On Demand

Duration: 70 minutes

Cost: Members £30 +VAT Non Members £50 +VAT

Additional savings available for bulk purchases

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