Please be advised that a New Work Item Proposal has been loaded to the BSI Standards Development Portal for comment.

Any comments received will be submitted to the national committee “AMT/4 – Industrial data and manufacturing interfaces” for consideration when deciding the UK response to the associated Standards Development Organisation.

Proposal 1: : ISO/NP 23704-5 (Ed 2) General requirements for cyber-physically controlled smart machine tool systems (CPSMT) — Part 5: Requirements and guidelines for implementing reference architecture of CPSMT for additive manufacturing (CPSAM)

Please visit: ISO/NP 23704-5 (Ed 2)

Comment period end date:08/08/2024


This document specifies an implementation architecture (IA) and implementation guideline (IG) of CPSAM for implementing functional architecture (FA) given in ISO 23704-3 without crossing over AM standards based on the roadmap established by ISO/TC261 and ASTM F42, etc.

Specifically, this document specifies:

1. Implementation architecture of CPCM (Cyber-Physically Controlled Machine tools) for additive manufacturing (CPSAM)

2. Implementation architecture of CSSM (Cyber Supporting System for Machine tools) for additive manufacturing (CPSAM), and provides

3. Implementation guideline (IG) of CPSAM including – Information model of CPSAM for CPCM and CSSM, – Communication model of CPSAM for CPCM and CSSM, and – Integration model of CPSAM, together with

4. Informative annexes including: – Use cases for various AM processes including PBF, DED, WAAM, etc., and – Use cases for industry applications for AM in industry., etc.


Since Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory were announced/proposed by the German Government in 2011, worldwide attention has been focused on this topic. To cope with the megatrend, enabling technologies; including AM, CPS, Smart Factory, Digital Twin, AI, etc. have been under development by Industry and R&D institutions. In the AM market there is a variety of so called ‘Smart AM machine tool systems and solutions’ incorporating IoT, ICT, Services, based on individual concepts and using local terminologies by Machine Tool Builders (MTB), CNC vendors, Solution vendors, Business people (service providers), etc., which is confusing for the stakeholders including end-users.

Any comments received will be submitted to the national committee “AMT/10 – Robotics” for consideration when deciding the UK response to the associated Standards Development Organisation.

Proposal 2: IEC 47/976e/NP N 73 – Mobile remotely controlled systems for nuclear and radiological applications – Particular requirements for aerial surveillance

Please visit: IEC 47/976e/NP N 73

Comment period end date:30/07/2024


This standard establishes the particular requirements of aerial MRCS used for surveillance in nuclear facility. This provides the functional and operational requirements of an aerial MRCS for missions in nuclear facility, such as the rapid radiation mapping, structural damage monitoring, monitoring of radioactive plume transport, or finding a radioactive material.


MRCS defined in IEC 63048 performs missions such as inspection of nuclear plants, monitoring of nuclear facilities, measuring the dose rate/radioactivity, repairing of components, handling of radioactive materials, responding to emergency events, mitigating accidents, dismantling facilities and decommissioning of nuclear installations.

A common detailed task in the mentioned missions above is the surveillance.
The specific requirements for the surveillance of MRCS are required to provide.
In order to carry out the surveillance task successfully, the MRCS slave subsystem patrols a nuclear facility in hazardous environment, while the operator controls it at a safe remote area by using the master subsystem. This document provides the specific requirements for system, function, operation, and validation of MRCS to achieve the unmanned aerial surveillance task.
– application : rapid radiation mapping, structural damage monitoring, monitoring of radioactive plume transport
– mobility condition : easy to move because of free space (survey wide area in a short time)
– mobility method : quadrocopter propeller, fixed wing(speed is fast)
– surveillance object : outside of nuclear facility(campus area, intermediate storage area, fence), inside of nuclear facility (containment building, auxiliary building, spent fuel building, waste storage building),
– sensing area, accuracy : observation view is wide and low precision (because it is far from target)
– location limit : not limited to reach high altitude, difficult at confined area(interference by own wind)
– payload limit : strongly restriction (radiation sensing device need to be light weight)
– radiation mapping : measure wide areas, takes short time (calibration required for ground level)
– communication : wireless (good at open space, poor in nuclear facility)

– power supply : battery or fuel (short operating time)

During the 2023 IEC TC45/WG18 meeting, it was decided to develop an IS as part of IEC 63048.
This decision was confirmed at the TC45 plenary meeting, 45/964/RM.

Proposal 3: IEC 31/1786/ NP N 297 – Explosive atmosphere ? Part 101: Principles of explosion protection

Please visit: IEC 31/1786/ NP N 297

Comment period end date:10/08/2024


This document establishes basic principles to support understanding for users at all levels on the topic of equipment for explosive atmospheres. This includes an overview of the methods for the identification and assessment of hazardous situations which could lead to an explosion, and the design, construction, inspection and maintenance measures appropriate to achieve the required level of safety.
This document provides an outline of the structure of the standards prepared by IEC/TC 31 for correct
application of the IEC 60079 and ISO/IEC 80079 series.
This document addresses the various elements in the lifecycle of equipment used in an installation involving explosive atmospheres, primarily through reference to other parts of the IEC 60079 and the ISO/IEC 80079 series. This document is also intended to resolve application details that are not currently well defined for smaller appliance type applications.

Excluded from the work of IEC TC 31 and this document are hazards resulting from explosives.
Information in this document is also applicable where the requirements of other parts of the IEC 60079 and ISO/IEC 80079 series do not apply. This document and the associated standards in the IEC 60079 series, do not address compliance for other aspects of electrical safety. This document, and the associated standards in the IEC 60079 series only supplement other aspects of electrical safety.
IEC 60079-101 is a BASIC SAFETY PUBLICATION focussing on the prevention and mitigation of explosions due to flammable gas, flammable vapour, or combustible dusts. It is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of SAFETY publications in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 104, Guide 108 and lSO/lEC Guide 51.
One of the responsibilities of a TC is, wherever applicable, to make use of BSPs in the preparation of its publications.


The document has been proposed by IEC TC 31 as part of the objective for IEC TC 31 to be assigned a Horizontal Safety Function related to explosive atmospheres. IEC TC 31 has consulted with ACOS (the IEC Advisory Committee on Safety) to request to be assigned a Horizontal Safety Function and to develop this NP draft for an associated Basic Safety Publication in accordance with IEC guide 108.

The standards produced by TC 31 span many aspects of explosion safety and generally supplement other safety standards rather than covering all safety aspects of a specific group of products. TC 31 documents are used by other technical committees and manufacturers when developing the technical requirements for many products related to explosive atmospheres. This is leading to an increase in the references to the standards prepared by TC 31 in product and installation standards developed by other committees.

It is TC 31 experience with explosion protection that there is general difficulty with other standards committees understanding all the aspects of the work of TC 31. This has led to errors in referencing, technical inconsistencies in approach and difficulties in establishing solutions in the drafting of other IEC standards. While TC 31 has liaisons to other IEC and ISO committees to try and support resolutions on such aspects it is anticipated that the number of liaisons and effort in resolving relationships could increase in the future.

If you have any comment or need more information, please contact Sami Ortiz at [email protected]

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