As a manufacturer of precision turned and milled components, NEIDA runs a successful apprenticeship scheme from manufacturing locations in Stoke-on-Trent and the Isle-of-Wight and believes that the key to closing the ever-increasing Skills Gap is getting the next generation interested in engineering.


Declan’s Apprenticeship at NEIDA

Starting an apprenticeship can be a pivotal opportunity for young individuals looking to establish a career in specialised fields such as engineering. Declan’s journey at NEIDA, advancing from his foundational Level 1 Engineering course to his challenging role in the workplace, showcases how his initial training has equipped him with essential knowledge, enabling him to further enhance his skills through hands-on experience.

Declan commenced his apprenticeship at the head office, where he initially worked with Hydromat machines. These machines are highly regarded for their efficiency in producing high volumes of turned parts. By operating simultaneously on multiple stations or spindles, Hydromat machines achieve shorter cycle times without compromising precision or complexity.

Following this, Declan transitioned to NEIDA’s production facility at Newstead, where he began working within the CAM Escomatic Machine and is now currently working within the nano section to training on the next generation of CNC Escomatic machines. These advanced machines are capable of manufacturing components with diameters as small as a few millimetres. Combining the productivity of CAM models with CNC technology, they offer greater flexibility, stability, and precision in producing intricate parts with enhanced accuracy and consistency.

Frankie has been Declan’s mentor throughout this period, guiding him for the last 18 months specifically on the CNC Escomatic machines. Frankie himself started at NEIDA through an apprenticeship and is due to complete 20 years of service, bringing a wealth of experience an knowledge that has been invaluable to Declan’s development in the field.

Declan’s journey at NEIDA has been one of steady growth, moving from a beginner to a skilled engineer. Starting with basic knowledge, he’s diligently honed his technical skills and problem-solving abilities. When faced with challenges, Declan takes a practical approach, seeking solutions independently or with guidance from experienced colleagues like Frankie. He ensures swift resolution of machine breakdowns by engaging the maintenance team promptly.

As his expertise has expanded, so have his responsibilities. Declan now handles complete changeovers and provides programming support. This evolution demonstrates his adaptability and commitment to continual improvement, making him a valuable asset to the NEIDA team.


Personal Achievements

During Declan’s apprenticeship, he has undergone valuable off-the-job training to complement his on-the-job learning. This training includes acquiring First Aid skills tailored for the workplace, ensuring he can respond effectively to any emergencies. Additionally, Declan has received comprehensive training in Health and Safety protocols, including COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health), to maintain a safe working environment.

In his role, Declan has spent time with Quality Assurance (QA) inspectors, learning to measure and verify parts produced by machines. This hands-on experience is crucial for him to ensure the accuracy and quality of components, aligning with NEIDA’s commitment to delivering products right the first time. Throughout turning operations, Declan is responsible for checking the quality of workpieces using appropriate measuring equipment to achieve the required tolerances.

During his tenure at the Head Office with CAM Esco machines, Declan benefited from third-party training sessions. These sessions, led by industry experts, provided structured learning opportunities and insights into the latest developments in the field. Additionally, Declan had the opportunity to attend the MACH Exhibition alongside mentors and team members. This experience allowed him to explore industry-leading technologies, tooling, and lubricants, broadening his understanding of engineering practices beyond the confines of his daily work.


What’s Next for Declan?

At the completion of Declan’s apprenticeship, he has been awarded a pass for his EAL qualification, affirming his proficiency in engineering. Throughout his apprenticeship, Declan had to provide five project reports demonstrating his competency and understanding in his role.

During the end-point assessment, a third-party assessor rigorously evaluated Declan’s submissions, ensuring adherence not only to industry standards but also to NEIDA policies. For instance, when assessing a part changeover on the machine, the assessor verified that Declan followed proper procedures in line with NEIDA’s policies. This involved confirming that Declan adhered to guidelines such as preparing and using CNC  machines according to current drawing issue levels and gathering all necessary tools. By successfully meeting these criteria, Declan showcased his ability to execute tasks with precision and in compliance with NEIDA’s established protocols.

Looking ahead, Declan is eager to explore further education courses to continue expanding his knowledge and skills. He finds inspiration in his mentors and is excited about gaining more experience, both on and off the job. Additionally, Declan is enthusiastic about the opportunity to pass on his knowledge by mentoring future apprentices at NEIDA, contributing to the development of the next generation of skilled professionals in the field.


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