MTA Business Survey – May 2024

Trends for sales and orders are month-on-month comparisons (we don’t publish a value total); if you don’t have the figures for April to hand, please enter “don’t know” – if you replied to the previous survey, we can use the figure you supplied then.

1) What is your level of business confidence compared to the previous month?(Required)
4) What was your level of inquiries compared to the previous month?(Required)
5 Compared to the start of the month, do you expect your overall activity level by the end of June to be:(Required)
6) Manufacturing is regarded as an attractive occupation in the UK(Required)
Strongly AgreePartially AgreeNeither Agree or DisagreePartially DisagreeStrongly Disagree
Machine Technicians
Applications Technicians
Sales Staff
Management Level
• Machine Technicians – installation, set-up and/or service activities • Applications Technicians – applications (machines or tooling) • Sales Staff • Management Level Staff
Strongly AgreePartially AgreeNeither Agree or DisagreePartially DisagreeStrongly Disagree
We have enough training institutions in our area
The training that is available is of sufficient quality
The training staff are of a sufficient quality
The training institutions have the necessary infrastructure and up-to-date technical equipment